Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Come Back, Britney

So you filed for divorce from Mr. Federline. Whatever. Now will you get that career going again and put out a damn album? It's been three years since you made me a fan with great songs, "Toxic," "Outrageous," and "Early Mornin'." Since then, you've released a greatest hits collection and a CD of remixes. I don't count them.

It's not like you disappeared. You stayed in the news for reasons completely unrelated to music. Please, get with the right producer and make that kickass comeback album I know you have in you.


Leesa said...

I was thinking the same thing when I saw her pop on David Letterman last night :)

Marianna said...

I didn't hear about the pending divorce til this morning. I guess her appearance on David Letterman was her way of letting the world know she's coming back, eh?


Anonymous said...

She definitely had a good agent/stylist/trainer!

Good for her! The further she gets herself and her kids from that no-talent piece of trash, the better.

Wow... I never realized I cared that much.