Friday, May 04, 2007

Seemingly So Wrong, And Yet So Perfect

Sacha Baron Cohen ("Borat") is set to play Freddie Mercury in a new Queen biopic. What I didn't know, and what seems obvious now, is that Cohen based his Borat look on Mercury.

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melusina said...

Yea, I think he is a good choice.

Anonymous said...

you of all people know how i feel
about Freddie Mercury. as much as
you like Tom Waits, that's how i
feel about Freddie Mercury - if not
more so. in fact, i'm listening to
him right now - a cd that was put
together by Brian May called "lover
of life, singer of songs"; got it at phonoluxe. it was put out after
his death. however, i just can't
picture borat playing him - i'd just see borat playing the fool as
in his movies and such. they do look similar but just don't know if
i could see sasha cohen playing
freddie without seeing borat instead. anyway - that's my opinion. love - mom