Thursday, September 01, 2005

I Love My Mother-in-law

I've resisted so far the urge to write about Hurricane Katrina. The truth is that while I feel so much for those who have lost so much, I really have no idea what they are going through. There are those who have quickly moved to voice their opinions on looters, people who should have left in time, and the general notion that this is all from God because they are sinners and deserve it.

Ain't nothing for me to do but ignore them. No one deserved this, some people didn't have the resources to leave in time, and I bet I'd be grabbing stuff from stores, too. The bottom line is, I have no idea what'd I'd do and I'm thankful that I still don't know. My mother-in-law lost everything. She managed an apartment complex in Biloxi and while she is safe with us in Tennessee, the city that she called home is no longer inhabitable. She has friends and coworkers that she hasn't heard from. Her Biloxi world is no longer there. I love her and feel for her. And I hope she hears the best news possible from those she cares for.

I try to put herself in her shoes by imagining Nashville as a place that ceases to be while I watch the news in another city. That's where I find my tears.

1 comment:

melusina said...

I know the feeling all too well. Of course now that I am living overseas, the area has expanded a bit, covering the U.S., and certainly encompassing the South. But I constantly worry about my beloved Nashville, and Tennessee, because it is my home. And if something happened to it while I was over here, it would be so devastating to me.

But it is horrible being an American and watching something so terrible going on in the U.S. It is almost unfathomable how catastrophic this has been.