Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Not Really Missing The Meat

For some reason, I haven't sought out any meat products since last Thursday, Sept. 1st. I had some chili before work, and while driving in, I was thinking of how it would help the household budget if I stopped eating fast food. As long as gas prices were so high ($3/gallon + 60 miles round trip per day on 30mpg = $6/day), I may as well stop spending $3-5 per day on stuff that I didn't need.

While looking for further ways to eat chearper, I found that the employee price for a veggie plate at work is .27 compared to $3.27 for a burger and fries. So, it's veggies I have been consuming ever since. Veggies, fruit, and water. I'm not calling myself a vegetarian. My mother-in-law made some excellent spaghetti the other night and I had more than my fair share, but other than that, it's been nothing but what is quite good for me. I feel a healthier Mike coming on. I have had absolutely no desire to eat meat for a week now. I know that's not long, but you'd think I'd be craving it. Not so much. We'll see how the next week goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you Mike and keep up the good work. You take me back quite a few years to my days of being a vegetarian and inspiring me to ease back on the spending and the meat. Ah but how I enjoy food of all sorts. It will be a challenge to follow in your footsteps my friend.