Sunday, March 05, 2006

She's Just Trying To Matter

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Congrats to Reese Witherspoon for her Academy Award. And congrats to her for such a kind and wonderful acceptance speech.

She paid tribute to June Carter who would always answer, "How are you doing?" with "I'm just trying to matter." And then Reese said it herself.

Aren't we all just trying to matter? We seek to be these people so hard that sometimes we don't even notice that we have already achieved what's important. Reese has mattered from the day she was born. And so have I. And so has my mom. We are all the most important person in the world to so many people and yet we still walk around wondering who we are and what we are here for.

If we could all just shed this self-doubt and get busy loving and helping, we'd all be better for it. My friend, pitcherlady, wrote today about someone else who mattered. I'd never met him and still I shed the quietest of tears reading about him. I'm lucky to have known about his life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The man asked me to say thank you, which I would've done anyway. I think the loss of his friend has helped him to take a little step forward, which he desperately needed, regardless of the final outcome.