Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sleeping Through My Civic Duty

I'd vote but I just don't know who's running. If only the candidates would spend some money on advertising or something.

They don't write...they don't call...


Marianna said...

I am so sick & tired of the political commercials down here. All I hear is how their opponent is bad & can't do anything right. No issues ~ just bashing. Ugh.


chez bez said...

I feel ya. It's the same here. I'm sure you've seen the infamous "Call Me" ad that has been running here. It's been all over the national news.

I think I'll just stay home all day today.

Heidi said...

bah, how can you say that? hold your nose and vote! if anything, vote your side in the class war. there is one, i know you know, and you know which side cares a slight bit more about you.