Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dream A Little Dream of Q&A

All day long I've been trying to make sense of Sunday night's very vivid dream. In it, I remember an extremely detailed conversation with the resident ghost known to many family members on the beautiful family farm. I awoke knowing my every question to her and every answer from her. "How does one get to heaven?" It's reassuringly easier than I previously thought. "But what about...?" Yeah. No forgiveness for that little break in line. Straight down for that one.

This Interview With a Spirit stayed with me in every quiet moment from wake up time until I clocked out from the workplace tonight. The thing that finally settled me a bit was the realization that I went to bed last night with a bag of Doritos consumed along with a couple of cans of chili (and another can of Ravioli). I had watched the Super Bowl and pigged out without guilt. That stuff will bring tremulous dreams to anyone's sleeping hours.


1 comment:

Heidi said...

why do you tease us with a partial revelation? i want to know the first answer and the second question....