Friday, July 11, 2008

The Alchemist

I'm listening to The Alchemist on my iPod. Free on iTunes, I downloaded it yesterday and have been enjoying it immensely. It seems that every few minutes I hear something that I just have to write down. This story is filled with life lessons. In fact, on the description of it at the iTunes store, it's said that "a Norwegian community, Arendal, gave copies of The Alchemist to all its civil servants, as a way of stimulating a new type of thought." Phil Jackson's Bulls and Lakers got books on Zen. Arendal got The Alchemist.

It's quite a simple little story. Pretty basic "follow your dreams" type stuff. But I like it a lot. And who doesn't need reminders like that from time to time? Anyway, it's read by the great Jeremy Irons. As the tired old saying goes, dude could read the phone book and I'd hang on every word.

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day.


Jamie said...

The Alchemist is a wonderful book. I read it and it changed me for a little while. I need to read it again. Thanks for the reminder.

The Old Man and His Dog said...

How bout that ....I downloaded the same thing on the same day. Was listening to it one night in bed when I couldn't sleep. It's a great story and the book is even better if you have the time to invest. Read it a few years back.