Friday, August 15, 2008

A Walk Across Clovercroft Road

I walked 8.8 miles today. From a Franklin dealership to my mom's house and back. I wondered if I looked like this guy:

I was even offered a ride from a pretty woman, but she was going in the opposite direction and didn't seem too committal about it. I politely declined and just kept walking, backpack on back, camera around neck, and a world of financial woes dancing around in my head.

The walking was pretty good for my head, but the snake holes at my feet kept me a bit wary throughout my little journey. At one point, I saw a high heel shoe. Later and on the other side of the road, I saw its match. About twenty feet later, I saw a large bracelet. Nefarious doings or just a few drunkenly discarded items? It's not for me to know. All I know is you see some interesting things when going on foot.

And to those who follow me on Twitter, thanks for putting up with my multiple (and maybe tedious) tweets today. It was good to have you guys around. Had Peter Jenkins had Twitter, he might never have written A Walk Across America, but rather just a series of 140-character-or-less musings.

Here are a few pictures from the day.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Ooo, I was hoping you'd post a photo of the shoe! I totally want to frame that and hang it in the house...when it's done.

I followed your Tweets today (still getting the hang of it), and, not knowing where you were, imagined you walking city streets. The photos were a big surprise. The images I had in my head of the woman asking if you needed a ride did a complete 180...I'd pictured you on a street corner.

I have to rewind and re-imagine.

Anonymous said...

one quick question - where is my
house? so funny - i got home about
5 or so minutes after you called
me. wish i could have gotten to see
you. maybe next time we'll get to
see each other. did you see all
the water lines on wilson pike? i
think they're putting new water
lines in there. i'm up very late
so that i can the olympics. lots
of fun.